Published August 2002

Cooky’s Depot Cafe offers home-style fare

SCBJ Staff

With the new Everett Station open a block away and the city’s new events facility being built three blocks away, Craig Giraud is excited about the potential for his new restaurant, Cooky’s Depot Cafe at McDougal and 32nd Street.

The building, the site of another restaurant that closed two years ago, is the historic Milwaukee Railroad depot that was the city’s first train station.

Giraud, a chef for 25 years, most recently for Petosa’s restaurant on Broadway, serves home-cooked meals, including breakfast and lunch, seven days a week. A beer garden is planned soon, and once the events center opens, he plans to add evening meals to the schedule.

“We totally remodeled this place and installed new equipment,” Giraud said. “We’ll have a nice clean atmosphere and a menu with ribs, steamed clams, fresh pastries and foods cooked from scratch.”

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