Published May 2006

Five steps to jump-start
the life you really want

By Melinda Knight
Guest Columnist

I remember as a child looking out my window (when I should’ve been in bed) and dreaming about doing something huge. Or the many times I would sing into my hairbrush in front of the mirror.

Now, older, I realize living a fulfilled life is just as important as being that rock star. It takes just as much work and dedication. That begins with assessment. Without assessing our time, needs and things that drain us, our lives are dictated by schedules, urgent matters, others, etc.

The journey toward living a fulfilled life begins with a few steps, starting with:

Got the time?
Before allowing another moment to slip away, let’s take a look at some important items. We’ve all got them.

On Jan. 31, 2000, my husband and I received a phone call that his parents had gone down in an airplane accident. They were returning from a mission trip in Puerto Vallarta. “Surely their lives couldn’t be over,” I thought. There were no good-byes, just a “see you on Monday.”

Whether it is the death of a loved one, a pink slip or a conflict of some sort, tragedy happens to us all. It is since that moment that the realization of time and chance has become evident. Am I living without regret? Am I allowing the urgent to overtake my time, or am I intentionally living?

It is up to us to make the most of our lives. If we were to look at time as boxcars on a train, we each have 24 of them. What we do with them and what we carry in them is up to us. The key is to intentionally fill those cars with what is necessary and dump the unnecessary items. Step 1: Take out a sheet of paper and make some notes as you read on.

Honestly assess your needs
As women, we wear many hats. Sister, mom, employer, mate, friend, to name a few. Each hat requires energy to “perform.” Unless your energy tank is replenished, you will eventually end up on “empty” with nothing to give to others. One way of filling your tank is taking the time to get your needs met. Step 2: Honestly assess your needs by answering the following questions: What do I need from others? From work? What do I need in order to recharge my emotional battery? What do I love? How often do I get a chance to do that?

These are unnecessary items that drain your emotional battery. Things you tolerate or that get in the way of your needs. These drainers may have served you at one time, but not now. It is time to take charge of your life and intentionally dump those drainers. Step 3: Make a list of everything you can think of that you tolerate or that keeps you from getting your needs met. Think of categories such as physical, career, financial, emotional and home. The more honest you are, the greater charge you will experience when you dump the drain.

Dump the drain!
Step 4: Now, dump one of those drainers and feel the charge.

Fill’er up!
Step 5: Take one of your boxcars of time and do something you love. Watch your emotional tank leave “empty” and return to “full.”

Congratulations, you’ve just jump-started the life you want!

Melinda Knight is a life coach, Life301 instructor and pastor with her husband, Jeff, of The Rock Church. She can be reached at 360-805-0699 or by e-mail to

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