
Published October 2002

‘Eyman’ editorial draws response from all sides

My September editorial — “Tim Eyman — Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse?” — drew a lot of fire from Eyman supporters and opponents.

Supporters felt he was unfairly criticized as the equivalent of war, death, famine and pestilence for his promotion of the initiative process to reduce taxes and direct government decisions.

Opponents were quick to decry Eyman’s disruptive presence in the state’s economy and his arrogance in deriding both politicians and the media.

I’m printing excerpts from as many of the e-mail responses as possible. As you read them, bear this question in mind: Are initiatives really the way we want to run government, solve our problems and build for the future in this state? It’s your vote.

John Wolcott,
SCBJ Editor


“The more folks like you scream against the Tim Eymans of this world the more people support them. We are tired of not being heard in Olympia so we revert to the only peaceful option left to us — initiatives. It is the obese, gluttonous and never satisfied public officials who created the Tim Eymans … the rider you call “Arrogance” is not Eyman — it is media and bureaucrats who think they know so much more than the rest of us.”

Jackie Juntti

“I don’t understand why you cannot grasp the concept that Eyman just puts up the initiative, the voters put it into action … it’s dumb butts like you that don’t get it. We will not continue to pay more taxes just because you and your pals have overspent. Cut Spending!”

Bob Thompson

“I would like to copy your Business Journal article and send it to everyone I know ... people have a right to know how much Tim Eyman has screwed things up for the state of Washington.”

Wendy Grace

“When are you and the rest of the pointy headed, overschooled … political and media hacks going to understand that Tim Eyman was created by the ineptitude and gutlessness that prevails in Olympia ... If you paid more than $1.98 for your journalism degree, you got ripped.”

Jay Demme

“I agree thoroughly with your analysis of Tim Eyman … (but) you omitted two important causes of the Eyman phenomenon ... for years (people have) railed at ‘government’ and everything it does, as if government were not the result of the democratic process in which they are invited to participate, but rather a hostile power that descended upon the people, tyrannizing them and forcing them to pay — gasp! — taxes. Tim simply spotted an opportunity, and chimed in.

“The second cause is the inability of the press to cross-examine Tim. His job is to lead only one-half of a conversation. Do we want high taxes or low taxes? As if that were the choice, in a vacuum … his modus operandi is to avoid speaking of services at all … because that would prompt his listeners to think of the connection between those services and the taxes they pay ... and you (the media) let him get away with it. ”

Adam Kline,
Senator 37th Legislative District

“I have lived in Snohomish County all of my life … seen taxes go up significantly … seen traffic worsen drastically … seen the business climate become ever increasingly hostile. … So what does all of the increased taxes have to show for it? … The only way to get things done … is with Tim Eyman’s initiatives.”

Todd Schwartz

“It’s about time someone in the media began the conversation about how Eyman, the Lie Man, will do and say anything to boost his own image. … He cares nothing for the real people who will suffer from transferring current taxes away from education and other legitimate programs to support his vision of massive road-building (to solve) transportation problems.”

Al Whipple

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